Guiding Principles
Our principles guide and monitor the delivery and objectives of all services when working with our people
Tikanga guides and directs correct thought, attitudes and behaviours
Manaaki Tangata
An approach that is sensitive and responsible, acknowledging the dignity and integrity of individuals, whānau, hapū and iwi
Mana ā iwi
Relates to matters of justice, ensuring that our services and practices are liberating and non - oppressive
Whanaketanga ā iwi
Establishes a role of development through education and support for the social wellbeing of whānau, hapū and iwi
Tikanga whakapononga
Guarantees a high - quality standard of service in accordance with iwi and legal requirements from all members of the organisation
Our Philosophy
Our Guiding Philosophy provides a Māori value base to guide all aspects of design, implementation and evaluation.

A focus on wellness not illness
It values and respects diversity of roles and responsibilities
Promotes caring, unity, cooperation, growth & prosperity
Māori values of whānau, hapū & iwi are central to wellbeing.
Ensuring our Whānau Achieve Success
Te Hauora o Ngāti Hauā understands that whānau can reach their full potential and autonomy when they are secure in their identity, living in safe and supportive environments and have meaningful roles in life. Our approach to ensure whānau achieve success is through;

Facilitating social justice & change

Establishing & strengthening strategic relationships & networks

Promoting whānau & community leadership

Raising awareness & encouraging action

Delivery of quality services & education
Whakahono mai ki kōnei
Get in touch with us today for more info
Contact us
Toll free: 0800 483 482 | 0800 4TEHAU
Phone: 07 888 7870
Our location
2 Cadman Street, Waharoa 3401