Kaiārahi whānau
The Whānau Ora Navigator Service is staffed by two experienced Kaiārahi. Kaiārahi (or Navigators) work closely with whānau to identify their specific needs and aspirations, helping to identify the services or support they require. The aim of this service is to enable whānau to grow and thrive by removing any barriers and building plans to take better control of their lives and circumstances.
We'll help you
- Assess your needs and identify your goals
- Facilitate whānau hui
- Work with you to develop whānau plans
- Access and provide relevant information and resources
- Connect you to relevant services and support people
- Advocate on your behalf
- Facilitate, lead or support you in discussions with other services, agencies or whānau
- Monitor and evaluate progress
- Mitigate and work through any risks or challenges
- Help build your knowledge, skills and confidence
- Respectfully challenge and shift unhelpful behaviours and patterns
- Identify and build on strengths
View our other services
Contact us
Toll free: 0800 483 482 | 0800 4TEHAU
Phone: 07 888 7870
Email: reception@tehauora.co.nz
Our location
2 Cadman Street, Waharoa 3401