Be well, be ready, be successful

Kia ora, Kia rite, Kia tōnui | Work ready
Te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere. Te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te āo.
This programme supports beneficiaries to find mahi through;
- connecting tauira with work recruitment agencies,
- practical support to study for and gain driver licences at any level,
- completing a current CV and interview help, and
- hauātanga, history, money matters, mental health and hauora advice.
The three week course only requires two hours everyday from Monday to Thursday, and is delivered completely online with hands on support from facilitators. There is no cost for resources or opportunities - all work books, stationary and cost for driver licence tests are covered.
We'll help you:
Build cultural and personal confidence through
- Strengthening identity
- Knowledge of key Māori concepts, values and practices
- Knowledge of whakapapa and whanaungatanga connections
- Key stories, facts and experiences
Build Job Search Skills
- How and where to search for jobs
- Job applications
- Job Interview skills
- Completing CV and references
Prepare for the workplace
- Health and Safety
- Communication
- First aid
- Work towards driver's licence
Build positive work experience
- Develop work qualities and attibutes
- Open to learning
- Work in a team
- Work unsupervised
- Work with instruction
- Receive feedback
Kia Ora, Kia Rite, Kia Tōnui is facilitated by Wini Wilson (left) and Fred Haimona (right)
Click the button below to self refer.
Our services are free, professional and confidential.

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Contact us
Toll free: 0800 483 482 | 0800 4TEHAU
Phone: 07 888 7870
Our location
2 Cadman Street, Waharoa 3401